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Opt-Out Refund Update
Below are details related to the opt-out refunds

Opt-Out refunds for the 2017-18 policy year, please check back for more details as they become available.  Students will be contacted via their e-mail address once their opt-out is processed.

As per the Opt-Out website and e-mail confirmations:

For every opt-out processed, the TCSA assesses $5 charge to support student wellness programs at Trent. As such, all opt-outs will be less $5 automatically.

Student VIP will be offering refunds via E-Transfer. This process is faster, more secure and more reliable than direct deposit. This option requires we charge a service fee of $3 which will be deducted from your total refund, in addition to the $5 administration fee. E-transfer refunds will be available in Mid-October/Early November. You will be notified via your e-mail address with instructions on how to deposit your refund when it is ready.

Direct Deposit is still an option for students at no additional fees above the regular $5 administration fee will apply. However, Direct Deposit refunds will not be available until later in November.

Cheque refunds will only be issued in the event that the students Direct Deposit or E-Transfer refund is rejected, or returned to Student VIP.  In the event that you have to have a cheque issued, your refund will have an additional $5 deducted from it to process and mail the cheque.  Cheques will not be available until late November/early December.

Current Refund Progress:

October 23rd - Out of 956 E-Transfers, only 166 have not been deposited.  Remember you only have 30 days to deposit your E-transfer!

October 18th - Students who requested E-Transfers have received their notification e-mail to deposit their money

October 17th - E-Transfers sent to the bank for processing


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