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Interpreter Services
Interpreter services are available 24/7 in over 110 languages to assist you during appointments, meetings, and day to day interactions.
Interpreters are available via telephone and can help you during doctors’ appointments, meeting with a professor, or even at the bank. Whenever you require assistance understanding or communication with another person, Interpreter Services can help.
For a full list of languages available, click here.
Ready to connect?

1. Dial toll free: 1-866-794-8987

2. When connected please provide:
  • CIN: 8650
  • Your first and last name
  • Your school name: Dalhousie University

3. State the language you require

4. You will be connected with an interpreter within 60 seconds. Introduce yourself and brief the interpreter as to the nature of the call. If you require a debriefing at the end of the call, the interpreter will remain on the line to review the call with you. 

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